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to evaluate on our design process we studied differnet forms, their interplay and aesthteic value

Lines and Edges

90 degrees

Geometrical forms follow strict rules of clear edges and angles. 

They offer a stable perception with no suprises.

But what happens if we disrupt these shapes with natural, accidential counterparts?



The enduring principles of the Bauhaus movement suggest a perpective of solidity and transience. 

Breaking with patterns creates a harmonious tension between grounded structures and precarious arrangements that reveal a poetic narrative where stability and instability intertwine.

Individual Shape
case studios concrete objects side table

Individuality of shape

Form is fluid. Nothing is stable.

We searched for stability in the brutal conformity of concrete but found individuality trough deconstruction of figure into individual, never to be replicated shapes manifested in the material.



Inspired by the theory of asymmetrical balance, as delineated by Jenny A. Baglivo and Jack E. Graver in their book "Incidence and Symmetry in Design and Architecture," this exploration unraveles the captivating interplay between tension and resolve, as unequal visual weights. In this sense a Van Gogh painitng is aestetically pleasing, because our mind does not need to see symmetry, just similarity.

case studios Kundenstopper
Individual Shape
formstudie by case studios

Clashing shapes

Within the realm of design's enigmatic dance  you can search for the profound interplay of forms, their elusive aesthetics, and collective allure. 

You´ll most likely be succesfull finding it in the collision of shapes, away from symmetry and stability

See how we translated this Study of different Forms and their aesthetic Value
into Design Objects

Essential Items

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