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case studios concrete object

concrete no.1

brutally conform yet absolutelly unique - manifesting aspects of individuality

concrete no.1 embodies a physical form of the intangible inspiration behind the collection case one. individualism



concrete sidetable


Particular Quality

Highest Grade, Extra Smooth Designer Concrete with a noble finish.

Extra thick Glass Plate for an overall high-quality Look & Feel.


Playful and Sculptural

Sculptural Design following the Concept of Clear Modern Lines and Right Angles, while on the other hand implementing the Deconstruction of Corners and Edges.


Manufactured in Germany

Handcrafted from highest grade Materials


Certified Collectible

Designer Concrete, formed into a never to be replicated Shape. With a brutally conform yet absolutelly unique Form, concrete no.1 manifests the Aspects of Individuality and embodies a physical form of the intangible Inspiration behind the Collection case one. individualism, consiting exclusively of Unique Single Pieces.


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