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Sandro Santalucia



"Nachts im Wald"


Sandro Santalucia is an emerging artist based in Cologne. The 24-year-old is currently studying for a Master's degree in Intermedia with a focus on artistic research at the University of Cologne.


The works of the Rosenheim native, which include painting, drawing and video art, mostly explore the themes of the unconscious and human nature.


In the past, Santalucia has exhibited several times in various parts of Germany together with other artists. Now for the first time he is showing his works in a solo exhibition in a gallery.


His art explores the world of the mind – those intangible thoughts, feelings, concepts and archetypes that often slumber unnoticed in the subconscious, yet influence us so frequently. Symbolic objects and absurd situations serve as placeholders for these hidden aspects of human existence.


A recurring motif in his works is the juxtaposition of man and animal. In this juxtaposition, he questions how the nature of the body shapes the spirit of the being and how the ego finds its place and can unfold in a body or is limited by it.


The exhibited paintings belong to the art movement "Exthetik", which Santalucia founded together with the poet and artist Luca Thiel. It is dedicated to an aesthetic approach to existential critique – a profound examination of the fundamental principles of being and the questions about the interplay of the tangible and the intangible.

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Anker 1

"Ich habe mich zum Fressen gern"

Acrylics on Canvas
70 x 50

Ich habe mich zum Fressen gern.jpeg

"Nachts im Wald"

Acrylics, Spray Paint and Oil Pastels on Canvas
120 x 100

contemporry poducts

"Der Flaneur"

Acrylics, Spray Paint and Oil Pastels on Canvas
100 x 120

Der Flaneur.jpeg


Acrylics, Spray Paint and Oil Pastels on Canvas
120 x 100

"Der Sinn für das schöne Gesicht"

Acrylics and Oil Pastels on Canvas
100 x 120

Der Sinn für das schöne Gesicht.jpeg

"Ein ständiger Zustand des Unglaubens"

Acrylics and Spray Paint on Canvas
120 x 100

Der Flaneur.jpeg

The exhibited paintings belong to the art movement "NOVA EXTHETIKA", which Santalucia founded together with the poet and artist Luca Thiel. It is dedicated to an aesthetic approach to existential critique – a profound examination of the fundamental principles of being and the questions about the interplay of the tangible and the intangible.

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