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case one. individualism.

an interdisciplinary approach on individualism in fashion, art and design

case studios design objects
Anker 1
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We care about the Idea

we release, not in collections, but in cases.

Each case is following a specific idea or aesthetic from an interdiscilinary perspective on fashion, art and design, that is being translated into products aswell as our magazine.


In this case, we dive into aspects of  individualism within the fields of fashion, art, design, architecture, culture and aethetics. 


case one. individualism. offers a holistic collection, of objects and clothing items, that are each individual one-of-one pieces

case studios objects candle holder

As a Concept Brand we create aesthetic Products for the tasteful and conscious Individual. Our Capsule Collection case one. individualism. offers a well curated Selection of Objects and individualized Clothing with a contemporary Approach on Fashion, Design and Aesthetics in general.
Each Product is a Certified Collectible, 100% unique, Single Piece - just like a Work of Art. 

At the End of the Day it is our personal Connection to the Things we own, what makes them special. And what is more special, than owning a One of One Piece, nobody else has or will ever have?

case   study   on   individualism

We  a r e  i n d i v i d u a l s
b e c a u s e  o f  o u r
u n w i l l i n g n e s s  t o
a c c e p t  t h e  f a c t  t h a t
we a r e  a l l  p r a c t i c a l l y
i d e n t i c a l .

T h i s  r e s t l e s s
d r i v e  w i t h i n  o u r s l e f s
f o r c e s  u s  t o  s t a n d  o u t , b e
c r e a t i v e  a n d  u n i q u e .
W i t h o u t
i n d i v i d u a l i s t i c  i d e a s
c r e a t i v i t y  wo u l d  n o t e  x i s t .
I t  d i s t u r b e s  t h e  m o n o t o n y
o f  t y p e  a n d  d i f f e r s
h u m a n k i n d  f r o m  a n i m a l i t y.
Y e t  t h e  s i g n i f i c a n c e  o f
i n d i v i d u a l i t i t y  v a s t l y
d e p e n d s  o n  c o l l e c t i v i s m .
H e n c e  c o n f u z i a n
p h i l o s o p h y   p r o p o s e s  t h e
i m p o t a n c e  o f  f i n d i n g  o n e s
i n d i v i d u a l  r o l e  i n  a
c o l l e c t i v e .

case studios shirt

we individualize every t-shirt of our first  collection

with specific pritinng techniques, making every single one of the a unique single pieces.


for this design, we used a two color gradient print, that varies each time

- in the ratio of black and blue,

aswell as in the distribution

of the color 


Our first magazine is a case study on fashion, aesthetics, architecture, art, lifestyle and culture.

On 72 Pages, we dive into the leading theme for our first collection: Individualism. 


why did we choose blue as the main color of our collection?

blue stands for imagination and

creativity, which are crucial parts of individuality.

yet blue is the most common favorite color.


just like the things that come to mind when thinking about blue: the ocean and the sky,

blue also symbolises uniformity.


so it represents the duality of being an individual

while still being identical within a collective.


besides the color blue, case studios adapts its collection to this idea, by only selling individual pieces
that are a part of a unified collection

case studios shirt, also for painting

case studios

clothing - made, also for painting

case studios objects schermo

highest grade, extra smooth concrete, individually sculpted


Design Objects. Fashion. Art. Ideas and Creativity.

case studios for painting
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